Accessibility improved in Synaptic

Bill Cox waywardgeek at
Thu May 6 22:23:32 BST 2010

I've patched gtk+ to allow programmers to easily add descriptions to
images.  This is probably useful in many places, but I decided to
start with Synaptic.  Users can now hear the status of a package read
to them, not just "icon".  Remember to right-click on package items
with Orca+8 to get the package menu.

I've filed a bug at on this, and submitted a patch:

Without this patch or something like it, it is not possible for
programmers to add accessible descriptions to icons in a tree view,
which is also used for lists of items with check boxes.  Should I file
a bug at also?  Vinux users can test the new synaptic
version if they add the Vinux/Ubuntu Lucid Testing PPA.


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