[Off Topic] sound car

mk360 mk.seventhson at gmail.com
Tue Mar 16 17:29:31 GMT 2010

    First of all, thx for you'r interest, now I understand alsa vs pulse 
better :).

    I tried with alsamixer seting all values at 100%, but nothing happens... 
The model is realtek ALC 880.

    Thanks again.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Phill Whiteside" <phillw at phillw.net>
To: "mk360" <mk.seventhson at gmail.com>
Cc: <Ubuntu-accessibility at lists.ubuntu.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 1:47 PM
Subject: Re: [Off Topic] sound car

> Hi mk360,
> I popped onto #ubuntu+1 and asked there, below is the transcript of what 
> was
> said:
> (16:33:43) phillw: Hi folks, will it be possible to run alsa based sound
> cards in 10.04, I note it is going to be using pulse.
> (16:33:54) cwillu_at_work: phillw, pulse uses alsa
> *cwillu cwillu_at_work *
> (16:34:32) phillw: cwillu_at_work: thanks, so I just compile the driver as
> per the instructions and pulse will see it ?
> (16:35:05) cwillu_at_work: phillw, back up a step, presumably the version 
> of
> alsa that's already included isn't working?
> (16:35:24) cwillu_at_work: but yes, that's how it should work
> (16:35:55) phillw: I'm asking on behalf of one the people in assistive -
> (16:35:57) phillw: I'm trying to configure an audio sound card on my 
> ubuntu
> becouse it was
> (16:35:57) phillw: detected but sounds really low. I downloaded a driver
> from the manufacturer,
> (16:35:57) phillw: but I've some doubts. The thing is on the readme file 
> all
> instructions are
> (16:35:57) phillw: for alsa, and I don't know if it is aplicable for the 
> new
> ubuntu systems
> (16:35:57) phillw: with pulse. my configurations are for karmic or lucid.
> (16:36:16) cwillu_at_work: phillw, alsa was never replaced
> (16:36:30) cwillu_at_work: alsa is not a competitor to pulse, they do
> different things
> (16:36:34) phillw: cwillu_at_work: it has instructions for doing it with
> ubuntu, so the OP should be able to use them ?
> (16:36:48) cwillu_at_work: alsa is what talks to the hardware, pulse is 
> what
> talks to applications
> (16:37:33) cwillu_at_work: re: volume levels, I assume you've already
> checked alsamixer levels?
> (16:38:32) phillw: I can suggest that the OP tries that, the manual
> installation looks quite involed !!
> (16:39:16) kklimonda: phillw: if the drivers has not been added to alsa 
> that
> doesn't sound good..
> (16:40:24) cwillu_at_work: kklimonda, there are drivers, it's just the
> volume was too low
> (16:42:05) phillw: cwillu_at_work: I'll ask the OP to check the alsamixer
> levels. If they look okay, is there anything else to check before manually
> installing it ?
> (16:43:53) cwillu_at_work: installing a kernel driver from source should 
> be
> just about the last possible thing you try. if it detects it at all, and 
> the
> sound isn't actually distorted, then the driver probably isn't the issue. 
> If
> it _is_, then you're far better off filing a bug so that it can get fixed
> properly (to the extent of packaging that driver up ourselves if need be)
> rather than just applying a workaround
> (16:44:13) cwillu_at_work: encouraging workarounds just ensures that the
> bugs don't actually get fixed
> (16:44:23) phillw: .
> (16:44:36) cwillu_at_work: so, start with the levels :p
> (16:44:40) phillw: Okay, many thanks for your help, hopefully, I won't be
> back ;-)
> Obviously, if the mixer level does not help, please re-email and I'll have
> another chat with the people in #ubuntu+1
> Regards,
> Phill.
> On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 3:51 PM, mk360 <mk.seventhson at gmail.com> wrote:
>>    Hi,
>>    I'm trying to configure an audio sound card on my ubuntu becouse it 
>> was
>> detected but sounds really low. I downloaded a driver from the
>> manufacturer,
>> but I've some doubts. The thing is on the readme file all instructions 
>> are
>> for alsa, and I don't know if it is aplicable for the new ubuntu systems
>> with pulse. my configurations are for karmic or lucid.
>>    Here is the readme file:
>> The source code copy from www.alsa-project.org. ver:5.14
>> Linux Source Code for ALC audio codec
>> Support Codec list:
>> ====AC97 Codec=====
>> ALC100,100P
>> ALC200,200P
>> ALC650D
>> ALC650E
>> ALC650F
>> ALC650
>> ALC655
>> ALC653
>> ALC658
>> ALC658D
>> ALC850
>> ALC101
>> ALC202
>> ALC250
>> ALC203
>> ====HD Audio codec ====
>> ALC260
>> ALC262
>> ALC267
>> ALC268
>> ALC259
>> ALC269
>> ALC270
>> ALC272
>> ALC275
>> ALC660
>> ALC660VD
>> ALC661
>> ALC662
>> ALC663
>> ALC665
>> ALC670
>> ALC861
>> ALC861VD
>> ALC880
>> ALC882
>> ALC883
>> ALC885
>> ALC888
>> ALC889A
>> ALC892
>> Installation:
>> This Source Code is from www.alsa-project.org.
>> For OS installation, please remember add the Development tool kit.
>> For driver installation, please follow below steps.
>> Automatic install: (Recommend RedHat distribution)
>> execute
>> ./install
>> Note: Ubuntu OS, please use manual install.
>> Run commands need to add sudo at first words.
>> Manual install:
>> Step 1. unzip source code
>> tar xfvj alsa-driver-1.0.xx.tar.bz2
>> Step 2. Turn on sound support from kernel config
>> (soundcore module, default turn on)
>> Step 3. Complied source code
>> a. cd alsa-driver-1.0.xx
>> b. ./configure (--with-cards=hda-intel)<= for HDA options
>> c. make
>> d. make install
>> e. alsaconf
>> Step 4. Edit your /etc/modules.conf or conf.modules depending on the
>> distribution
>> (Please refer to the attached modules.conf)
>> snd-xxxx is the card ID.
>> -- Azalia controller --ALC880 ALC882 ALC260 ALC262 ALC883 ALC885 ALC888
>> --- Intel ICH6 ICH7 ---------
>> snd-hda-intel
>> -- AC97 controller --ALC655 ALC650 ALC250 ALC255
>> --- Intel ICH6 ICH7 , SiS 7012 and NVidia----------
>> snd-intel8x0
>> --- Via8233 Via686a -------------------------------
>> snd-via82xx
>> --- ATI Chipset -------------------------------
>> snd-atiixp
>> Copy and paste this to the bottom of your /etc/modules.conf or
>> /etc/modprobe.conf file.
>> # ALSA portion
>> alias char-major-116 snd
>> alias snd-card-0 snd-xxxx
>> # OSS/Free portion
>> alias char-major-14 soundcore
>> alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-0
>> # card #1
>> alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss
>> alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss
>> alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm-oss
>> alias sound-service-0-8 snd-seq-oss
>> alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm-oss
>> Step 5. reboot your machine
>> Step 6. Use the alsamixer the disable mute (All audio line default is 
>> mute)
>> Must to compile and to install the ALSA library and utility. (Use 
>> automatic
>> install is already install)
>> excute alsamixer
>> Note: 1. The most detail information, can refer the
>> alsa-kernel/Documenttation/ALSA-Configuration.txt in the
>> azx-021705.tar.bz2.
>> 2. Kernel Version must be 2.6 or later.
>> 3. All mixer channels are muted by default. You must use a native
>> or OSS mixer program to unmute appropriate channels.
>> 4. If can not compile the source code, try to rename the
>> /usr/src/linux-2.x -> /usr/src/linux.
>> 5. The driver added to support the SPDIF functoin.
>> 6. a. You can download the alsa-lib-1.0.x and alsa-utils-1.0.x form the
>> www.alsa-project.org, then unzip and install them.
>> b. Suggest use "alsamixer" to control mixer function.
>> c. Used "alsaconf" can autodetect which drive you need to install (step 
>> 4).
>> 7. SUSE Distribution must install the ncurses package.
>> --
>> Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list
>> Ubuntu-accessibility at lists.ubuntu.com
>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-accessibility

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