problems with the lucid live cd
mk.seventhson at
Thu Mar 11 14:10:14 GMT 2010
What about choosing other languages?
Usually I do f2 & 2 (spanish) and f5&3...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Cox" <waywardgeek at>
To: "E.J. Zufelt" <everett at>
Cc: <ubuntu-accessibility at>; "Halim Sahin"
<halim.sahin at>
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 8:40 AM
Subject: Re: problems with the lucid live cd
The new boot sequence on the Lucid Live CD is very cool, if you're not
blind. Instead of bringing up console based text to ask your language
whether you want to install or just try Ubuntu, it boots directly into
a gnome session where it asks the same questions in a nice graphical
form with a pretty background image. However, accessibility options
have not yet been ported from the initial console screen to the new
graphical form. Instead, for a few seconds during boot, a graphic is
displayed on the screen that indicates you need to press a key to
access accessibility options. If you press a key while this graphic
is displayed, it takes you to the old boot menu, where you can do the
old sequence to get Orca talking.
On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 5:58 AM, E.J. Zufelt <everett at> wrote:
> On 2010-03-11, at 5:53 AM, Bill Cox wrote:
>> The magic key sequence to bring up Orca in a Live CD boot of Lucid is
>> now: "Press space every 3-4 seconds, several times, then enter, then
>> F5, then 3, then enter twice". That seems a bit extreme to me.
>> Couldn't we simplify that?
> * Do you know what the purpose of the space bar at the beginning of this
> sequence is? Just curious more than anything else. And, thank you for
> sending this message out to the list.
> Thanks,
> Everett
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