
Dave Hunt dave.hunt2 at
Tue Jan 26 21:23:27 GMT 2010


Since upgrading to Ubuntu Karmic, I can no longer reply, retweet, or 
favorite tweets in the subject app.  In Jaunty, I could move the Orca 
review cursor to the name of the tweeter to whom I want to reply, and 
use 'orca-7' to click.  This would put me into a message area where I 
could type my reply.  Similarly, if I put the review cursor onto the 
"rt" text and left-clicked, I could re-tweet the selected message.  I 
can still, however, follow links in tweets by clicking on them.  Now, 
when I try to reply, retweet, or favorite as I used to do, nothing 
happens when I click.

I'm using Orca and Gnome 2.28.0; They ship with the  current release of 

Thanks for any help,


Twitter:  wx1gdave

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