Sound issues 10.04
Phill Whiteside
phillw at
Fri Feb 26 00:40:45 GMT 2010
What I'd ask, is how much RAM have you gotten allocated to the virtual
machine ?
As I read it, you are running 10.04 on a virtual machine, and then asking
the 10.04 to run Windows as virtual machine ..
To be honest, fair play to the guys who write the stuff - a virtual machine,
within a virtual machine.
Your drop-outs may be simply due to there being too many processes going on
for either your CPU or there is insuficient RAM to run WINE within an
already virtual machine.
On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 12:32 AM, Thomas Lloyd <thomaslloyd at>wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> Just got 10.04 running in a virtual machine. I have some sound output
> issues, which is a big stumbling block. The sound under wine seem to
> drop out for about one second and then cut back in. I am using this for
> tts generation so if you can imagine that I am getting "This a test of
> the open-sapi server". Instead of "This is a test of the open-sapi
> server". Always about one seond in it seems to skip the audio output.
> Any ideas??? wine seems to be outputting the audio to pulse but i have
> very little experience with narrowing down whats at fault. Do we think
> it is wine or piulse is anyone else experiencing this issue at all?
> Tom
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