Persona Survey results

Maurice McCarthy manselton at
Sat Aug 21 20:22:49 BST 2010

Thanks for the correction Eric

And, yes, it is annoyingly tantalising when these things happen.
Thanks for the info about Windows and Nuance, too.

On a different topic:

1. I'd be delighted if a sound module could be written for grub2 so
that you could hear the menu entries for different booting options.

2. Would it be so diffcult to write a narrator for open office? ods
and odt files are zipped xml file collections so for a /simple/ odt
file you could chain an xml to text convertor to a text to speech
convertor such as festival. This would be difficult in a spreadsheet
however as you would easily lose the relation between different cells.

Best Wishes

On 21/08/2010, Eric S. Johansson <esj at> wrote:
> NaturallySpeaking version 11 was just released. It has been improved but not
> in the ways that matters. ...

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