A new list subscribers first question.

ashley ash.cox at talktalk.net
Thu Aug 5 10:23:57 BST 2010

Hi All,
My name is ashley cox, and i'm new here on this list. Some of you may know me from the orca-list, and possibly from the AC Tech podcast, and possibly the ubuntu 10.04 install guide.

I hope to be able to share information, and help out the comunity, as well as to get some of my own questions answered. Here's the first of those questions:

I need to setup a web server, and am thinking of using ubuntu server. However, I wondered if ubuntu server has an accessible install? Unfortunately, I don't have a braille display, so if ubuntu server is inaccessible I may have to go with arch. Does ubuntu server include speakup or an similar screen-reader? Are there any guides out there to get it installed?
All I want to do is runn a simple web and ftp server with php, mysql and ftp.
Thanks for any and all answers!

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