[orca-list] Firefox patch, testing and further work

jose vilmar estacio de souza vilmar at informal.com.br
Sun Apr 4 14:19:56 BST 2010

Perhaps a dumb question, but is it possible to test in my 64-bit ubuntu 
lucid installation?

On 04/04/2010 07:38 AM, Bill Cox wrote:
> I've uploaded a version of Firefox to the Vinux/Ubuntu Lucid PPA.
> Anyone testing Vinux 3.0 Beta should run 'sudo apt-get update; sudo
> apt-get upgrade'.  This should install the patched version of firefox
> for testing with Orca.
> Unfortunately, there are still some navigation issues with Orca.  I
> find it works a bit better with "Grab focus on objects" disabled in
> the Firefox settings.  If someone more familiar with Orca could look
> into the problems on the Python end, I'll support them on the Firefox
> C++ end.  One example of a navigation goober is using Control+Tab to
> switch to another tab.  Orca remains on the previous tab, and
> navigation keys just read old tab.  Users more familiar with Orca than
> me could probably find more issues.
> Thanks,
> Bill
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