Getting Braille to Work

Peter Torpey ptorpey at
Wed May 27 15:07:00 BST 2009

I installed Ubuntu 9.04 onto a separate partition on my PC which had Windows
XP Pro previously installed.


I have a Pacmate display (from Freedom Scientific) hooked up to my desktop
PC via a USB cable.


During the install of Ubuntu, I had choices only for installing with speech
or braille (not both).  It would have been nice to have both, but I chose


The install went well with Orca.


After the install, I chose to use braille in the Orca settings.


Despite rebooting and logging in, however, I am still not seeing anything on
my braille display.


Does the Pacmate USB display work with Ubuntu and/or Orca?


Any suggestions would be appreciated.





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