Accessibility suggestions
Angelo Marra
angelo.marra at
Thu Jul 2 15:22:07 BST 2009
What prevents me to cmigrete to linux is
1 I need to dictate
2 I need Text to speech as SAPI
3 I have a wonderful scanner (plusteck opticbook 3600 which is not
supported but it is amazing in results for scanning books.
I tried to use KDE TTS but it is very non-friendly.
I use Dspeech in win: ( I'd love to
heve such a software for linux
on the idea of programming by voice: fantastic! I'd love to do that.
some years ago, while looking for open hardware, I found a project on
programming in natural ways or languages...
I cannot find it any more.
I have a disability and I study accessibility and inclusive policies,
I've a lot of hints if needed.
unfortunately, I'm unable to put hands-on-it as I'd never programmed
more then macros in word an a bit of basic.
Angelo D. Marra
Dottore di Ricerca in Diritto Civile
Università "Mediterranea" di Reggio Calabria
Avvocato in Reggio Calabria
Via Pio XI, trav. Putortì, 36
89133 Reggio Calabria
Email: angelo.marra at (valido anche per MSN)
Skype: angelorc
Abit: +39 (0)965.59 39 96
Mobile: +39 349.619 11 56
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