suggestion: compiling espeak to use alsa

Gilles Casse gcasse at
Thu Jan 31 12:21:36 GMT 2008

> I intend to do some testing over the coming days with this option, as well
> as wrapping espeak using PortAudio v18 in the padsp utility, which makes
> use of PulseAudio directly.

Hi Luke,

Two points:

Today the best speech reactiveness is probably obtained using
speech-dispatcher/alsa + espeak.

If Hardy will use gnome-speech and PulseAudio, you may want to check
eSpeak with its new PulseAudio support. In eSpeak 1.31, a special Makefile
exists for using the PulseAudio extension. All this is a little bit in
beta stage, so it will be better than users who are looking for a solution
which just works, wait a little bit.

Best regards,

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