Vibuntu the most accessible Ubuntu Linux live cd for the Visually Impaired EVA III

Thomas Lloyd thomaslloyd at
Sun Dec 14 22:02:16 GMT 2008

I also agree that the claim of the first accessible Linux is a tad far
fetched and maybe the most accessible Ubuntu Linux live cd for the
Visually Impaired. Is more accurate? We all fall victim to claims of
self grandeur at times, especially when it our baby.

I think that the proof is in the pudding as Tony has said himself the
community will decide. I have no issues with slightly misleading
marketing if it saves any disabled people money and opens up more
opportunity for them.

This is not to undermine what has been done in the past by other groups
and if there are better products for those people they will find them.
But we all need a starting point and if you are forced to spend a small
fortune to start on a computer many people who can, either can not or

So all in all keep up the good work make sure you add in a feature that
forces the user to change their password at least and maybe their
username after an install and I will stop worrying about security.


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