Vibuntu 1.2 is ready!
suelen.alencar at
Thu Dec 11 20:27:26 GMT 2008
Hi everybody
i have a doubt!
I´m doing a research about accessibility and Linux distributions developed
to people with disability
I want to know what the difference between ubuntu 8.04 and vibuntu!
Waiting for answer
2008/12/11 Anthony Sales <tony.sales at>
> I am happy to announce that Vibuntu 1.2 is ready. It will be available for
> download from around 17:00 tomorrow afternoon (Friday 12th Dec, 2008) and I
> will post a more detailed release announcement tomorrow. With help from
> Luke
> I have now solved the problem of Orca not working with admin apps opened
> from
> the panel menus and enabled Braille support from boot. I feel this is a
> significant release because I have now achieved all of my short term goals
> for Vibuntu: Speech, magnification and Braille support available at boot
> with
> speech access to admin apps opened from the administration menu. I have
> limited the orca support for admin apps to the menu entries, users who do
> not
> need speech support should use the desktop icons to launch them. This will
> probably be the last release of 2008 as the next release will be rebuilt
> from
> scratch. I will be posting detailed instructions on how to recreate these
> modifications and a wish list of future improvements etc. I would still
> welcome feedback and suggestions positive or negative and would like to
> thank
> everyone for all their support, encouragement, and hate mail! ;)
> drbongo
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ubuntu-accessibility-bounces at on behalf of Peter
> Fork
> Sent: Thu 11/12/2008 03:50
> To: Michael Whapples
> Cc: ubuntu-accessibility at;
> gnome-accessibility-list at; orca-list at
> Subject: Re: [orca-list] Vibuntu
> Hi
> Since people like to bounce emails all over the place I've subscribed to
> the
> orca list as well so my mails won't get caught in the spam filter. If I
> have
> missed an email list I appologize in advance. On the other hand I would
> rather keep the discussion to one list to keep the amount of mails sane and
> the debate centralized. Therefore I think gnome-accessibility list is
> better
> than the orca list for the debate since it is more generall in nature than
> specific to Orca.
> Replies follows to all letters in the debate.
> As I read all replies I got "much appriciation for that:-)" I don't see
> that
> we're having very diffrent views from each other. Rather diffrent views
> from
> the same side of the fence if you follow my metaphor.
> I agree that Sun and all involved are doing a great job we're all in debt
> to
> all of these people wether they are payed to do it or not.
> Anthony's work is a good start and surely something that lowers the bar for
> people to test out linux.
> I might have wished he organized it with the community first so maybe
> double
> work could have been avoided or bonds of cooperation could have been formed
> earlier.
> But no reason to cry over spilled milk right and actions speak louder than
> words so I can only cheer for Vibuntu and hope it only improves over time.
> My questioning was made in the goodest of intents to get a creative
> discussion started of best practices pros and cons of diffrent
> implementations and so on. Iam glad so many has an opinion and that you
> have
> made me think about what I said reevaluate that and sharpen the arguments
> and
> thoughts on the subject.
> About logging in automatically I can accept it as long as it is used on the
> live cd and not after proper install.
> About what accessibility aids should be activated I just suggested that a
> user centric view much like in usability design where you lett the user
> decide what to use and how, would be more preferable. If not in an kiosk
> system like a live cd defenetly in a normaly installed system. I might even
> agree that the guest user acount could be enabled from the start with all
> aids when installed onto disk since you might not know which user will be
> your computers next guest and since I asume we're talking about a fairly
> new
> machine. Alternative the user could state a disability category and all
> relevant aids for that would load if the system provided aids for more than
> one category witch Vibuntu doesn't seem to aim for.
> A small wizard with some questions could have made it easy to collect
> relevant data to configure a setup for the user needed. During this process
> all aids should be activated so that you no matter what disability could
> complete the wizard. Let me give an example:
> 1. What kind of disability do you need after setup?
> "You can mark several options with the spacebar and arrow keys. Press Enter
> when done.
> a. Braille
> b. Text to speech
> c. Speech to text
> d. Visual ques
> e. Magnification
> f. Mousekeys
> g. Extra keyboard function (typerate, sticky keys, etc)
> h. pictogram
> After pressing okey next steps would be to configure the selected options
> to
> the users liking one by one. Maybe those options that is language specific
> could be set in advance depending on what language the user has chosen at
> install or bootup if live cd is used.
> Finaly: Thank you for completing setup of the system your computer is ready
> to be used.
> This would enable only wanted aids and disable all others plus configured
> them. We know that aids take a toll on performance and expecialy in "live"
> environments be it from cd,dvd or usb. It also would minimize risk for
> conflicts and bugs since less code is running. For a new user with a system
> that has frozen or where he isn't familiar and might not understand how to
> navigate etc is not very faar from hitting the hard reset button and
> turning
> to windows instead.
> End example
> Iam not realy sure witch user group Anthony is targeting.
> A new user probably will not do this alone.
> An early adopter would probably forgive some rough spots
> and an experienced user would probably be able to "as many of you pointed
> out" fix most of these things himself.
> Since visual impairment is a disability that affects all parts of your life
> Iam wondering if anyone could just put a vibuntu cd in anyones hand and
> just
> leave them to figure out the rest. Even though the year of the linux
> desktop
> has been many times anounced and improvements in usability certainly has
> been
> made I doubt its enough especialy when having a disability. Therefore I
> believe more instructional and guiding content might be needed for new
> users.
> A thought might be to strip out the 10mb of example files if it hasn't been
> done already to gain some room. I heard they might increase this in next
> release.
> Thanks for the straighting me out on the admin tools issue. Guess it is
> some
> twitching nerv in me that go off when I hear userspace programs needing
> root
> access to work. I might have thought the problem was bigger than it was as
> well.
> okey thats it for now.
> Feels good to have straighted those things out.
> cu on the list
> \Peter
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