ubuntu gutsy beta 1: first impressions and questions

Guy Schlosser guyster at bex.net
Sat Sep 29 01:30:55 BST 2007

Hi all, I have a few questions regarding installation of gutsy beta 
1.  Before I ask though, I just want to say congrats to all on the 
last six months of work on Gnome 2.20.  From what I've been able to 
see so far, I'm very impressed.  The voice sounds a heck of a lot 
better with Espeak, and in Openoffice, the spell-checker now 
announces what is misspelled, and the context.  Now for my questions.
1. Whenever I use apt-get to install anything such as 
firefox-granparadiso, I get an error that talks about not being able 
to configure hotkey-setup (failed to start init.d script), and cannot 
install ubuntu-desktop because it depends on hotkey-setup.  Is this 
why my system sounds aren't playing at startup?
2.  How do you enable accessible login?  When I press spacebar on the 
button, I get the password entry, but then nothing reads after 
that.  As always, thanks in advance for any help.



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