Orca on A MacIntosh?

Mitchell Smith mjs at onthenet.com.au
Sun Sep 16 09:35:53 BST 2007


I use Ubuntu Feisty on a Macbook running Orca with no problems.

This guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty might be of some 



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mia Lipner" <mjl at riseup.net>
To: <ubuntu-accessibility at lists.ubuntu.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2007 12:10 PM
Subject: Orca on A MacIntosh?

>I apologize if th9is is a dumb question.  Can Orca run on one of the
> Intel-based Macs?  I figured that it probably could, but I'm not familiar
> enough with the details of Mac architecture (especially around sound and
> speech) to know if there might be an issue.
> Thanks.
> -- 
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