so many problems

Justin Harford blindstein at
Tue May 22 23:34:26 BST 2007

I am trying to install ubuntu 7.0 on a virtual machine through VMware  
fusion on my Mac Book pro.

It is hard for me to know where to start as I have a few problems  
with this and am nut entirely sure how they are linked or if they are  

First of all, I cannot get the capslock to work at all, neither for  
orca commands, nor for system commands.  I have found that fn + m  
enables me to do insert on my apple laptop keyboard, but that is one  
more key that I have to press each time I give an orca command.

Then I am trying to install ubuntu.  Quite an operating system that  
it can just run from the Cd or in this case, the iso disk image.   
When I set up the virtual machine, I designated a max of 20 gb of  
storage  for it to use on my computer harddrive.  When i was going  
through the installation of ubuntu, everything went well until I got  
to the place where it wanted to make another partician.  I don't  
think I should do that because it may erase everything on my  
harddrive and it does not seem liek i should since I already  
desinated the virtual machine to use 20 gb of space.

I have asked the orca mailing list, the mac visionaries discuss  
digest list, neither of which have been able to answer my inquiry.  I  
also tried to ask VMWare but I could not figure out how to access  
their support.  I found a support form with google, and when I filled  
it out, I got an email telling me to go to another link for support.   
I clicked on the link that it gave me and it took me to a webpage  
with, so far as I could find, no place to aske for support without  
typing a username and password.

Would really appreciate help on this as I have been struggling with  
it since last night and am showing no signs of discernible progress.

Justin Harford

"A man's memory is bound to be a distortion of his past in accordance  
with his present interests, and the most faithful autobiography is  
likely to mirror less what a man was than what he has become."

Fawn M. Brodie

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