ubuntu on my laptop is working!

Lubos Pintes lubos.pintes at orangemail.sk
Sat Mar 3 17:11:51 GMT 2007

I have asus a6rp ap050. I downloaded live CD from two days ago. I am very
pleased, sound is working without problem. Also orca with braille display. I
did not test it very seriously, I must still learn gnome and orca. Only f5
and option 4 from boot menu is not working yet. I tested it as follows:
I pressed f5, 4, Enter.
f6, "hpet=disable" Enter.
Then after a while
u, Enter
0, Enter
al, Enter
Nothing happened.
I had to start brltty manually, then ran and configure orca. Logged off,
started orca through aalt+f2.

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