Please provide some updated details.

Rich Burridge Rich.Burridge at Sun.COM
Fri Mar 2 16:41:44 GMT 2007

Hi Krishnakant,

>> talking about open office,
>> which version has the best accessibility?
> I'm going to let Mike Pedersen and Rich Burridge answer that one, as 
> they have been focused on it more than I have (I've been sweating over 
> Firefox while also trying to keep some sort of general direction and 
> focus going for Orca).  I think I know the answer, but there's been a 
> little bit of a churn over the past few days so I'm a little confused 
> about the exact facts.

For better support of text attributes in OOo Writer,
by Orca, then you'll need OOo 2.2. The slight disadvantage
there is that the "smarts" added to the Orca OOo script for
doing a much better job with the spell checking dialog in
OOo Writer won't work. If you aren't worried about that, then
OOo v2.2 is the recommended release.

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