I just want to give my thanks

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho felipemonteiro.carvalho at gmail.com
Fri Jun 29 06:34:15 BST 2007

On 6/29/07, Robert Cole <rkcole72984 at gmail.com> wrote:
> The program works pretty well; it definitely takes a LOT less CPU time.
> It also has a lot of neat features which can be accessed via the
> keyboard, whereas gnome-mag doe snot.
> the only thing I found was with fullscreen magnification.  I set the
> dimensions of the magnifier window to 1024x768 width by height, and it
> created a large box, whereas gnome-mag is a fixed window.  I really like
> the program, though.  ONe thing that was kind of frustrating (and I ma
> sure it can be stopped easily, but I just need to work with it some
> more) is that when I click on the desktop or any othe rwindows, the
> magnifier disappears to the tray, and I have to click on the tray icon
> to bring it back up.

Actually this is a missing feature. Our current plan is to implement
it using the X Composite Extersion. This feature was recently added to
the Windows version using DirectX, but we still don't have a working
solution on Linux.

Right now my first objective is releasing 3.3 in the next days and
right after it I have a dream of making a .deb package and getting it
into the Ubuntu or Debian repositories

> Needless to say, though, I like the program because ti does not use my
> CPU resources as highly as gnome-mag does.

Good that you liked it =)

> If you'd like, I coudl try to send you screenshots of both gnome-mag in
> action and Virtual Magnifying Glass in action.  I am definitely going to
> keep this program around, though, and I would like to try to help out as
> far as testing and input, if that would be alright?

Of course =)

thank you very much,
Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

PS: I replyed to the mailling list also.

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