Braille support testing

Lubos Pintes 0905300097 at
Wed Jan 31 17:20:15 GMT 2007

I reviewed the script, and didn't understand the u option. What is set 
there? I am using braille display compatible with Alva ABT. It is connected 
via pl2303 USB-to-serial converter which is supported by Linux. When I start 
brltty, I specify /dev/ttyUSB0 device. Is this the case? Or some other 
configuration option must be introduced for my situation?

Thank.----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Henrik Nilsen Omma" <henrik at>
To: <Ubuntu-accessibility at>
Cc: "Colin Watson" <cjwatson at>; "Dave Mielke" <dave at>
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 12:02 PM
Subject: Braille support testing

> Hello folks,
> We are trying to improve out-of-the-box support for braille displays for
> Feisty with this spec:
> From what I can tell, braille support on the Gnome desktop via Orca
> already works out of the box, using the braille monitor (on-screen
> graphical display for testing). However, since none of us in the devel
> team have an actual braille display we know little about the hardware
> side of it.
> After Herd 3 is out (this week) we want to switch back on general USB
> detection and deploy a script to assist with the configuration of serial
> displays. We would appreciate help with testing from anyone with a
> braille device, and esp. serial ones.
> The setup script on the wiki page above is also incomplete in that it
> needs the correct parameters for setting up brltty with the serial
> device. Any input is appreciated.
> Henrik
> -- 
> Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list
> Ubuntu-accessibility at

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