espeak and orca

Kenny Hitt kenny at
Mon Jan 8 21:45:54 GMT 2007


Yes, they are both available in the Orca preferences.  Both aren't being
used at the same time, but you can switch any time you want.


On Mon, Jan 08, 2007 at 10:40:50PM +0100, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-01-08 at 13:04 -0600, Kenny Hitt wrote:
> > Normally, I use espeak with the speech-dispatcher gnome-speech driver.
> > This driver doesn't support the read to end command, so I either
> > switch
> > to festival when I want to read an entire document, or use the direct
> > speech-dispatcher backend for Orca.
> > Can you actually use both drivers at the same time? I thought it was
> > one or the other and installing them both would mean conflict. How
> > does one choose between them? I guess they get visible in the orca
> > prefs in some way, right?
> -- 
> /Krister
> -- 
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