Herd 4: Cannot start Orca because it cannot connect to the Desktop.

Beth Koenig bethko at gmail.com
Sun Feb 25 20:40:28 GMT 2007

I have the issue of ORCA not working at all on the Herd4 CD. It says
something about the AT-API That means it can not load assitive
technology support in gnome. I can confiure ORCA but not run it as a
screen reader.I did not seem to have this problem with HERD 3

Beth Koenig
bethko at gmail.com
Director of Deaf Blind Services
Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center
Health, safety, and productivity are the cornerstones of independence.
At the Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center we provide the training and
services necessary for the deaf and disabled to achieve equally and
independence in all areas of life.

Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center
Donate: https://www.networkforgood.org/donate/MakeDonation2.aspx?ORGID2=330806007&PcaItemId=400

On 2/25/07, Kenny Hitt <kenny at hittsjunk.net> wrote:
> Hi.
> You didn't say how you started Orca after setup.  If you started it in a
> text console, you will get that error.  Gdm won't let apps started in
> the console connect to it's display.  Use alt-f2 from within your gnome
> session to start ORca.
>            Kenny
> --
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