[Fwd: [u-a-dev] What can the Mozilla Team do?]

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at ubuntu.com
Tue Feb 20 15:36:54 GMT 2007

Hello Will,

thanks for all the enlightening words. I wasn't aware of what was going
on in orca-firefox land.

On Di, 2007-02-20 at 10:22 -0500, Willie Walker wrote:
> For what the Mozilla team can do?  I'd say throw more capable bodies at 
> it.  Work with Aaron Leventhal - I'm sure he has no shortage of stuff 
> for people to do.  The caret navigation needs work.  The AT-SPI 
> implementation in Gecko needs completion, testing, and should attempt to 
> behave as much like the GTK+/GAIL implementation as possible.

I think Alex was more referring to the Ubuntu Mozilla team, which
maintains the Mozilla suite in Ubuntu and liaises with Upstream.

My own opinion is that, 
      * adding a tag is cool,
      * subscribing the 'accessibility' team, if there's any input you
        need from us or anything that needs accessibility testing.
      * maybe point out how to forward those kinds of bugs upstream,
      * also point out how to get more data than "doesn't work with
        version <n>".

That's all I can think of for now as I don't know enough about the
nature of Mozilla Accessibility bug reports.

Thanks a lot for all your efforts.

Have a nice day,

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