eSpeak Problem: PaHost_OpenStream: could not open /dev/dsp for O_WRONLY

Veli-Pekka Tätilä vtatila at
Sat Sep 30 15:36:58 BST 2006

My audio problems with Ubuntu under VmWare Server continue. As I've been 
unable to find a workaround for the audio issues I'm having with Festival, 
I'm considering using the eSpeak package in stead. I saw a speech dispatcher 
config file for it at:

eSPeak itself, including the binary, can be downloaded at:

So I fetched on the Web site and unzipped it directly 
in my home folder. UPon running it, however, I get the following error:

vtatila at Sandbox:~$ ./speak "this is a test"
PaHost_OpenStream: could not open /dev/dsp for O_WRONLY
PaHost_OpenStream: ERROR - result = -10000

Apparently it cannot access the sound card for some reason. This is a 
separate termminal via which I logged in. I also have a Gnome session 
running and had disabled audio in it as someone adviced it might help with 
Gnopernicus problems. I re-enabled the Gnome sound effects and tried again 
with no changes. I've testedd and Gnome happily plays its own sound effects 
like it should.

PA is short for port audio I guess but other than that the message isn't 
very informative. I googled with the whole message but only found this 
question, to which no-one had answered:

I continued by googling with the constant O_WRONGLY alone but found nothing 
of interest. Apparently it is some Unix standard library constant and that's 

So any help appreciated.

With kind regards Veli-Pekka Tätilä (vtatila at
Accessibility, game music, synthesizers and programming: 

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