OT: list for blind students

ari aridamoulakis at gmail.com
Mon Sep 25 21:56:29 BST 2006

I know this is quite off-topic, but since there are many users of linux in
developing countries, and some might be students on this list, I'm posting
this message, and I am also hoping that you guys will forward it to people
who may find it useful.
I, together with the support of some of my fellow students here in South
Africa, have started a group called the blind students solidarity movement.
Students from all over the world can join, but our focus is on those
students who are studying in the developing world. It is basically a
networking group, where students can pass on help to one another in how to
study subjects when certain equipment is not available. We also will discuss
topics like what universities in the developing world are doing to
accommodate persons who are blind or partially sighted. We discuss
university life, adapting and getting used to the university environment,
the use of adaptive technology as related to studying in the developing
world, etc.
To join, if you have a yahoo account, you cmay join from the group's home
or, if you don't have a yahoo account, or prefer to use email, send an email
blindstudents-subscribe at yahoogroups.com

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