Orca and eSpeak

Willie Walker William.Walker at Sun.COM
Mon Sep 25 16:28:59 BST 2006

Hi Luke:

> What would actually be better, is to have a module written for 
> speech-dispatcher to interface with the espeak shared library, rather 
> than call the command-line utility all the time. Personally, I feel 
> gnome-speech needs to be removed, and speech-dispatcher should be the 
> speech back-end of choice.

Will people from Ubuntu be at the GNOME Boston Summit?  I've put some
time at the end of the Accessibility day to discuss this:


For replacing gnome-speech with speech-dispatcher, I really need to hear
your thoughts on why this is necessary.  My main concern is to make sure
that this doesn't just end up swapping one set of problems for another
and that the switch really solves the problems we want solved.



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