Playing CDs under Edgy?

Al Puzzuoli alpuzz at
Tue Sep 12 03:10:29 BST 2006

Hi Joanie,

Thanks, that was exactly my problem.  Sound Juicer was coming up 
automagically, and when it did, my first thought was, thanks, but I wana 
play the disk, not extract it, LOL.
I guess sometimes, it's best to actually trust the OS.

Anyway, thanks and have a good night,


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joanmarie Diggs" <j-diggs at>
To: "Al Puzzuoli" <alpuzz at>
Cc: "Ubuntu Accessibility Mailing List" 
<ubuntu-accessibility at>
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2006 8:41 PM
Subject: Re: Playing CDs under Edgy?

> Hey Al.
> Give Sound Juicer CD Extractor a try.  Ignore the app's name: It lets
> you *play* CDs too. <smile>  And it works very nicely with Orca.
> Hope this helps.
> Joanie
> On Mon, 2006-09-11 at 18:44 -0400, Al Puzzuoli wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> At first blush, this might seem like a symplistic question, and
>> perhaps it's not even an accessibility related issue, but if there's
>> an obvious way to play CDs out of the box On the Gnome desktop under
>> Edgy, I have no idea what it is.  Under other distributions, with
>> older versions of Gnome, there used to be a CD player menu item under
>> sounds and video.  Has the option to launch the CD player been moved
>> to one of the panels, or is it just not being installed by default any
>> more?  Or, am I  perhaps just missing it?
>> Thanks,
>> --Al

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