need the latest instructions for orca and edgy, any link?

krishnakant Mane researchbase at
Sun Oct 29 15:37:53 GMT 2006

hello all,
I have just got the edgy cd and now looking at some howto which I can follow.
for an older unstable version of orca, I followed
but it says that the page is obsolit and there will be a new page.
now since edgy has finally been released, I will like to know if there
are any updates to have orca run (not just on the live cd but on a
permenent basis).
I followed f5 and then 3 for accessibility.
orca did not speak up.
may be some sound card problem?
but after I fix that problem, will this be the way to start orca?
will it then run every time my system boots?  or are there different
sets of instructions for configuring and starting orca on an installed
edgy machine?
how is the installer doing now?  can I use it?  I am totally blind and
can only depend on the speach system.
thanking all.

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