Need advice/Question on Current Release
Jan Claeys
lists at
Fri Oct 27 23:07:16 BST 2006
Op donderdag 26-10-2006 om 22:11 uur [tijdzone -0800], schreef
terrence at
> I tried the newest release, and have had little/no success with
> it. The install script doesn't run when I click on it and my computer
> freezes up. Also, running orca from console 1 told me it couldn't find
> the display or something like tat, and/or told me that watchdog detected
> something bad, and running it from within Gnome didn't produce *anything*.
> Someone over on the gnome-accessibility list, I think it was, suggested
> that some of my issues stemmed from the fact that I only had a PC with
> 433 mhz and 160 MB of ram, and had suggested I try Xubuntu. However, I
> haven't seemed to have much luck getting accessibility going on that. So
> my questions are these: (1) *Can* I get Ubuntu up and running on my system
> even if it does only have 160 MB of ram? (2) If Xubuntu would be a
> solution for an old PC like this one, how would I get it accessible? and
> (3) What *is* the best option for such a PC as I've described? I've been
> using Oralux as my main distro, but there's things that Oralux can't do
> that I'd need X to accomplish.
Like Beth suggested, it should be possible to install Ubuntu using the
alternative install CD, but I don't know if the alternative installer is
accessible, so you might need some help to do the installation.
I have used Ubuntu with GNOME on a Pentium MMX 166MHz with 64 MiB RAM
(it was really slow, but worked), but I don't know how much extra RAM is
needed for the accessibility extras (speech synthesis etc.).
Jan Claeys
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