Team meeting

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at
Wed Oct 4 21:43:17 BST 2006

Krister Ekstrom wrote:
> Will this chat client work with Orca? 

It should work, but IRC clients are traditionally a bit tricky because 
of their non-standard layout and information flow (new entries appearing 
with time). You might get more mileage from Gaim which Orca has been 
tweaked for (scripting power!). Please feel free to try it all out ahead 
of time in our usual gathering place at #ubuntu-accessibility on
> Is this a meeting where everyone's invited? 

YES! All our team meetings are open to everyone. This one might be 
rather tightly focused on Edgy testing and fixing but we'll do general 
introductions and we'll have another meeting soon with more open style 
brainstorming about the future.
> Sorry for the newbyish questions. 

No worries :)


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