does anyone know about espeak.

Krister Ekstrom krister at
Tue Oct 3 18:29:06 BST 2006

Hi, i didn't think the MBrola was actively developed... Oh well...
The Swedish voices were ok, however there weren't much sampled as far as
i could see at a fast glance. It'd be cool if these voices could be
included in Edgy or a later release of Ubuntu, but we'll have to see if
it is able to speak what we want it to speak. I heard somewhere that
instead of numbers over 1000 or somesuch it just said "very much"
("väldigt mycket") and that's not so good.:-)
Yes, the letter was intended for the list. I'll forward this one since
your previous reply is quoted below.

Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
> Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Too bad there's no speech synth around that's capable of speaking
>> Swedish. If i were a programmer, i'd gladly help with making Swedish
>> available, but unfortunately i'm not. Hope a swedish synth comes along
>> soon, would be cool to be able to switch languages and synths and use a
>> Swedish Linux.
> Please listen to the Swedish voices here:
> and see what you think. We
> might be able to put that in a non-free repository.
> btw, did you intend this for the list? If so you can just forward it.
> Henrik

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