Team meeting

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at
Tue Oct 3 14:19:40 BST 2006


It's been a long time since we've had a meeting of the Ubuntu 
Accessibility Team so it would be good to pick up on that again. We've 
been working away at the items discussed in the meetings this spring though.

The main focus of this meeting should be on nailing down the 
accessibility support for Edgy. This includes testing of Live CDs, AT 
tools like Orca and onBoard, the general desktop and common applications 
like OpenOffice, Gaim and Firefox. (as I write this the wiki seems down, 
but I'll edit this page when it's back:

I suggest we *not* talk about new features this time since we really 
should focus on the above, but we should schedule another meeting after 
a week or two for that. In the meantime you can post your ideas on this 
wiki page: on on the 
list or to the forums (wiki is preferred).

It seems Friday might be a good day. Any time from 08.00 GMT to 20.00 
GMT would work for me.


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