Chris Jones cej105 at
Sat May 27 13:59:58 BST 2006

Oh ok, so it could be done.  Maybe the keyboard could treat every
closed path in the SVG as a key.

One problem would be that changing the SVG even slightly would
probably mess up all the character to key mapping done in a seperate
file.  I don't really know how SVG works though so I'll have to look
into that.

On 26/05/06, Corey Burger <corey.burger at> wrote:
> On 5/26/06, Chris Jones <cej105 at> wrote:
> > I don't think cairo could be trusted to render an SVG in the same way
> > as inkscape.  It's a good idea though and it would be worth having the
> > xml layout file svg-like.
> Actually, both Inkscape and Cairo use librsvg to render their svg's,
> so they do actually look the same. Jimmac's appreciates this fact when
> he is doing artwork.
> Corey

Chris Jones

jabber - skating.tortoise at
msn - skating_tortoise at

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