Google Summer of Code 06 - A Simplified Onscreen Keyboard

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at
Wed May 10 17:08:50 BST 2006

Jack Lauritsen wrote:
> I posted a small response to the milestones laid out in Henriks email. 
> I wont trouble the whole list with this, but anyone who is interested 
> can read it at - Comments are welcome.
Thank you Jack, that was an interesting run-through.

I'm interested in brainstorming a bit more about the C/C++ core with a 
python wrapper approach. If this is indeed workable (my knowledge of 
python is limited, so I don't know how C extensions are handled), it 
might also save some work because the AT-SPI code could then be fished 
out from GOK.

AFAICT, the parts of GOK that talk to AT-SPI work just fine, and the 
problems are in the user interface, which we would in any case replace.

I also like the idea of not locking ourselves to the GOK keyboard file 
format, but do a one-time conversion. That would also give us a chance 
to automatically remove data we don't need, like the numeric keypad and 
function keys. The reason we need to do this at all is that GOK has 
literally hundreds of existing layouts.

- Henrik

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