[Kde-accessibility] Accessibility Summer of Code projects

Chris Jones cej105 at soton.ac.uk
Tue May 9 18:01:41 BST 2006

Peter Korn wrote:

>For the on-screen keyboard, please consider doing something like "gok
>--simple" (assuming folks like David Bolter agree).  There is enough
>overlap that keeping common code common would be nice (vs. fragmenting
>approaches).  Also, with your use case for the student Liza, I think she
>would want most of the current features of GOK, though without
>necessarily the configuration GUI.  The last sentence of the Liza use
>case confuses me - how does she navigate the GNOME desktop and web
>perfectly without using an on-screen keyboard.

>From the point of view of the user I think having two seperate
keyboards would be confusing.
The fact that the two keyboards are seperate code bases could easily
be hidden from the user with an advanced check-box in
gnome-at-properties to activate GOK over SOK.

The main problem in extending GOK is that it is a fairly large
codebase written in C and would take time to learn, taking time away
from what could possibly be accomplished during the SoC.
Starting afresh in python would get the new, perhaps cairo-based
interface, up and running quicker allowing us to try more innovative
and radical things with it.

Chris Jones
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