[Kde-accessibility] Accessibility Summer of Code projects

David Bolter david.bolter at utoronto.ca
Fri May 5 18:22:12 BST 2006

Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
> David Bolter wrote:
>> Peter Korn wrote:
>>> Hi Henrik,
>>> Cool stuff.
>>> For the on-screen keyboard, please consider doing something like "gok 
>>> --simple" (assuming folks like David Bolter agree).  
>> Yes. This is difficult though, since I can understand both sides of 
>> the fence here. My biased (gok maintainer) opinion is that we can go 
>> further pooling our efforts.  A gok --simple, or gok --kiosk flag has 
>> been discussed a lot but we haven't had the spare cycles... and of 
>> course I would welcome any help there!  I know gok could only benefit 
>> from having Henrik's help.
> Thanks. I should point out that I'm not a programmer though. I can 
> invent features and guide students, but I can only be of limited help at 
> the code-face.

Those are all great potential contributions.


> - Henrik
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