[g-a-devel] Happy patch bonanza

Enrico Zini enrico at enricozini.org
Thu Jun 29 16:02:48 BST 2006

On Thu, Jun 29, 2006 at 03:21:52PM +0100, Enrico Zini wrote:

> So I guess the Italian voice doesn't define that.  If you give me a
> piece of lisp code that adds that definition, I can add it to the Debian
> and Ubuntu package, and try to push it upstream.

Found!  Happyness:

festival> (voice_lp_diphone)
festival> (assoc 'coding (cadr (voice.description current-voice)))
(coding "ISO-8859-1")

Is it ok for it to be defined straight into
added at the end like this?

   '((language italian)
     (gender male)
     (dialect none)
      "This voice provides a Italian male voice using a
       residual excited LPC diphone synthesis method.  The lexicon
       is provived by a set of letter to sound rules producing pronunciation
       accents and syllabification.  The durations, intonation and
       prosodic phrasing are minimal but are acceptable for simple
     (coding "ISO-8859-1")))

Because if like this is ok, I can upload the new package in Debian and
prod the Ubuntu people to pick it up.  Not that it would make a big
difference since ISO-8859-1 would be a default, but it would set an
example for others to follow.

BTW, is "coding" a name that comes from some standard or a name that
we're inventing right now?  Because if we're inventing it right now,
then I think I'd prefer "encoding".

> (list 'VOICEDESC: 
>  (nth 0 (voice.description '%s))
>  (nth 1 (nth 0 (nth 1 (voice.description '%s))))
>  (nth 1 (nth 2 (nth 1 (voice.description '%s))))
>  (nth 1 (nth 1 (nth 1 (voice.description '%s)))))

And I think I can fix this as well:

 (nth 0 (voice.description '%s))
 (cadr (assoc 'language (cadr (voice.description '%s))))
 (cadr (assoc 'dialect  (cadr (voice.description '%s))))
 (cadr (assoc 'gender   (cadr (voice.description '%s))))
   (cadr (assoc 'coding (cadr (voice.description '%s))))

Now, to properly read and store this data, I have to add an 'encoding'
field to GNOME::Speech::VoiceInfo.  That would be changing the IDL in
gnome-speech.  How free am I to do that?  What are the side effects of
doing it?



GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <enrico at debian.org>
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