Virtual Magnifying Glass

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho felipemonteiro.carvalho at
Fri Jun 16 22:56:31 BST 2006


PS: I am guessing you wished to reply to the mailling list too

On 6/16/06, Sven Jaborek <sven-tek at> wrote:
> Hi!
> iam working on a compiz plugin that does the job on 3D hardware.
> There is xmcm, which is going to do this with xcompmgr.
> There is also gnopernicus and orca.
> I think all these projects should work together where possible.

Certainly, we definetively should :^)

> For example, i think the compiz solution will rock on desktop computers
> with a supported 3D card. But perhaps your system rocks on laptops where
> 3D is expensive and power extensive.

I talked to Jim Gettys about the magnifier and he proposed to utilize
X Composite Extension to provide a better support and performance (but
then only on computers that support it). Is that more or less what you
are planning?

> We can work together on other things like the user interface or
> communication interfaces, so cursor tracking is possible.

What is cursor tracking?

I do have a on-going scientific research about the usability of the
magnifier. The answers show that the users are very satisfied. Most
feature requests are about the dynamic mode (to be implemented with X
Composite Extension on the near future).

> Question to your magnifier, how good is the performance?

Since 3.2.1 it´s very good I would say.

> Can you magnify to fullscreen smoothly?

It works as a fullscreen software that enlarges a portion of the
screen that is inside a glass.

But an image is probably worth much more then many words, so here is a
screenshot of it:

> What language is your program written in?

Object pascal, like Delphi. Althought the official compiler is Free
Pascal you do can use Delphi to compile it. Interfacing between pascal
and c or c++ is very easy and natural. You can even mix c / c++ object
files with pascal ones to link and executable.

The widgetset interface links to gtk 2 on unixes.

> Does it have interfaces? Would it be possible to integrate the "enginge" into other software lice orca?

Well, not yet =) We didn´t think about that before, but this can
probably be easely implemented, either throught a library or an
mechanism to control the executable.

What exactly do you need? I am not familiar with orca, thought I will test it.

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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