More speech woes

Enrico Zini enrico at
Thu Jun 8 22:07:08 BST 2006


I've restarted from a freshly installed Dapper.  This time I don't let
gnopernicus start with only the English voice, but work like this:

 - disable esd in the audio preferences
 - run synaptic
 - enable universe
 - install festlex-ifd, festvox-italp16k, festvox-itapc16k
 - enable accessibility and screen reader
 - restart X
 - go into gnopernicus preferences, choose the female speaker for all
 - voice stops

Things I noticed:

 - When the Desktop/Terminate session menu is opened, it spawns esd.  If
   I abort the menu, esd keeps running.  If I then kill esd, then the
   Desktop/Terminate menu doesn't open anymore.
 - Logging out leaves the festival daemons running.  If the previous
   session left them in a bad status, I need a reboot to get back a
   clean working session

Now I set gnopernicus to use the Italian male voice, reboot, log in and
I hear the Italian "unable to initialize the braille device", but then
nothing speaks anymore.  test-speech says "Server could not be
initialized" if I select Speech_Dispatcher, and just hangs if I select
the Festival driver.  esd is not running.

Can someone hint me at what's going on, and what could be going wrong?



GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <enrico at>
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