Live CD and meeting

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at
Thu Feb 9 12:32:03 GMT 2006

Hi all,

I just tested the latest daily Live CD yesterday and found that it now 
has the new 'F4' option for accessibility features. Yay! I still can't 
get over how cool that is :) What other distro (or OS) has that level of 
support built in from start? OK, so it doesn't actually do anything just 
yet :/

That's where we have a job to do. We need to identify exactly which 
applications must be installed with which settings for the different 
modes. For example AFAIU, to run gnopernicus sucessfully with screen 
reading, esd must be turned of, so we must ensure that it is off by 
default in that mode. I'll make a wiki page where we can list these 
things in detail, so we make sure devs setting it have the info they need.

Of course we also have to TEST the individual AT features that will now 
be available by default. When I tried gnopernicus in Dapper a few days 
ago it completely broke my X. Anyone have it working? I'll try again in 
a few days and if it's still broken start filing bugs.

I'd like to schedule a meeting for next week, now that we have some 
important thinks to talk about. Is Wednesday still a good day for 
everyone? 19.00 UTC?

- Henrik

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