
Beth Koenig bethko at gmail.com
Sat Aug 26 02:34:58 BST 2006

Where can we find the live CD? I should probalay know that but my
brain is having a bad day. I want to try the cd, I have been waiting a
long time for Orca. I'm not a programer so I mostly focus on getting
people to swich to Ubuntu. VMWare is making that even easier now as
people can run windows in Ubuntu and for many gives them a nice
security blanket.

Beth Koenig
bethko at gmail.com

On 8/25/06, Henrik Nilsen Omma <henrik at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
> > Yes, it is in 'main' now and has been seeded for the desktop so it
> > should appear any day now.
> >
> I've put some more details on my blog: http://blog.omma.net/?p=10.
> It should appear on the Live CD today or tomorrow, though you'll likely
> need to start it from the command line for now.
> - Henrik
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