Ubuntu Artwork/ General Meeting invitation

Mauricio Hernandez Z. mhz.chile at gmail.com
Mon Dec 26 15:27:56 GMT 2005

Hi all, Ubunteros and fans,

Artwork Team is trying real hard to make things better and easier for
everybody. There are lots of stuff that need to be done, lots of great
ideas, lots of enthusiasm but not wisely organized :(

There's XFCE work, KDE work, GNOME work, Fluxbox work, WindowMaker work,
Enlightenment work, wallpapers, icons, etc.

So, if you use or care to customize your desktop, or have ideas to
improve art related things, or just want to hear what others have to
say.. be there with us in that meeting, please.

This is why we invite you to attend next first official meeting. We need
to hear from people's ideas and suggestions. We need to work closely one
to another (less 'island' work) in a more organized way.

Please state your vote to which date is better for you

The current Agenda

Detailed list of things we have to organize

We can add names and dates here


Mauricio Hernandez Z.

Ubuntu Chile LoCo team

Edubuntu Chile

irc.freenode.net | #edubuntu #edubuntu-es

ID #287183

[I dream of things that never were and say 'Why Not?']

/!\ Mail escrito sin caracteres especiales para evitar
conflictos de lectura con otros lectores de correos.
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