Testing plan

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at ubuntu.com
Thu Dec 15 16:28:58 GMT 2005

David Bolter wrote:
> We are happy to add authors to:
> http://larswiki.atrc.utoronto.ca/wiki
Perhaps you should consider opening it up as an actual wiki. I think 
that would encourage more people to contribute. I'm involved in running 
several Moin wikis and we really don't seem to have any problems with 
spam and such. You might open up most of it and leave a few pages with 
tighter control for more official stuff.
> I'm not sure what is best in terms of coalescing all this related 
> information. It seems that many distro's, companies, and some 
> applications have their own location for documentation and bug 
> reports, test suites, and forums. It can be detrimental IMO.
Yes, I agree. Though some of the information like test results are 
distro specific. I wouldn't feel comfortable about dumping all our 
Ubuntu-specific ramblings on the Lars wiki and all our bug reports in 
the Gnome bugzilla. That would probably just annoy those hosting the sites.
> I'm not exactly sure what function the larswiki should serve and we 
> are open to suggestion from the a11y community.
Is there any chance we could all set up shop in a common location, like 
wiki.a11y.org, say? We could have wiki.a11y.org/lars, 
wiki.a11y.org/gnome, wiki.a11y.org/kde, wiki.a11y.org/ubuntu for the 
things that need to be separate and then the root location for common 
stuff. There would be advantages to working in the same physical wiki in 
that we would see the changes various people were making on a daily 
basis and could move common content around. We were planning to develop 
our own content a bit more in our own wiki, and then move the bulk of it 
on to a dedicated site like access.ubuntu.com, but I am happy to 
recommend that we go with a common site instead.

It feels like esp. now with this push to introduce ODF in MA by 
01.01.2007 that this is the time to band together and push things 
forward :)  Thoughts?
(I'm CCing the KDE list as well, which I'm not subscribed to ATM. Hope 
it gets through)

- Henrik

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