Reporting AT bugs

Jason Grieves jasongrieves at
Wed Dec 14 19:33:41 GMT 2005

Sounds good to me.  I have bugs pending.  I will be CC'ing list on the ones 
I think are significant.  Or Should I just throw the list on every 
accessibility bug?

God Bless,

Jason G.
Mathew 11:28-30

>Hi everybody,
>Am Mittwoch, den 14.12.2005, 12:36 -0500 schrieb Jason Grieves:
> > I just don't know if we want the ubuntu-accessibility list getting all 
> > these bug requests, especially since I am reporting small accessiblity 
> > in gtk, etc.
>What do you think of just trying it that way until somebody says "This
>is unbearable!"? I like the idea of making it easy for all of us to
>follow up on a bug quickly.
>I find signing up for two mailing lists a bit cumbersome.
>Have a nice day,
>  Daniel

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