Important info re Accessibility and document formats in Massachusetts

Luke Yelavich themuso at
Fri Dec 2 01:02:00 GMT 2005

Hi all
I was browsing through the IRC channels that I am in, and came accross 
an interesting discussion in the #kde-accessibility channel re the ODF, 
Koofice and Massachusetts. As some of you may know, Massachusetts is 
looking at possibly changing from Office products to foss software, due 
to wanting all documents to be in the open document format (ODF). 
Discussions about GNOME accessibility, as well as KDE accessibility came 
up, and what needs to be done to try and get those involved to change 
from Windows office software to a FOSS sollution.

I have been given permission by those KDE accessibility developers 
present to post an edited log of the conversation. If you wish to have a 
read, you can download the log from the following URL:

On that note, I propose an addition to next week's meeting to fasttrack 
Live CD derivative development, so that we could possibly have something 
to show as soon as possible. I am told that this would increase their 
likelyhood of a GNOME/Foss sollution being chosen.

Henrik, do we have a meeting ajenda on the wiki somewhere? I haven't 
looked yet, but if I find one, I will post the link on the list, and in 
the topic for the #ubuntu-accessibility IRC channel.

Will talk to you all at the next meeting.
Luke Yelavich
GPG key: 0xD06320CE 
Email & MSN: themuso at
ICQ: 18444344
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