[u-a-dev] [orca-list] Vinux 4.0 now released

Alex Midence alex.midence at gmail.com
Sat Jun 1 02:36:04 UTC 2013

Very exciting! Well done, you guys! Console speech just works?! Very impressive!

I am very eager to try this out. Has anyone, by any chance, gun emacspeak to work on it? 

Best regards,
Alex M

Sent from my iPhone

On May 31, 2013, at 9:02 PM, Rob Whyte <fudge at thefudge.net> wrote:

> The Vinux team is pleased to announce the availability of Vinux 4.0 CD
> and DVD images.
> This is the first Vinux release featuring the Unity-2d Desktop which
> improves on transition to Vinux and introduces newer and increasingly
> stable accessibility features.
> We now recommend that when possible users perform updates on a regular
> basis. This will enable the Vinux team to update packages, and introduce
> new features.
> Some of the highlights in Vinux 4.0:
> Brand new build process: Vinux now uses the same method to produce our
> images as Cannonical produces Ubuntu.
> Console speech just works. Much time and work has taken place to meet
> our blueprint goal
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/vinux/+spec/vinux-4-functional-console-screen-reader
> Voxin is easy to set-up. Vinux has taken one step further in making
> Voxin easier to install.
> Quantal kernel: We are using a newer 3.5 kernel back ported to Precise
> offering better hardware support than ever.
> Classic menu. Vinux now has a Classic menu indicator which provides the
> old style menu whilst in a Unity environment.
> Vinux wiki. Our community is highly committed to providing clear and
> easy to follow documentation. http://wiki.vinuxproject.org/
> Vinux easy install scripts converted to meta packages.
> Pico voices. We are shipping with the Pico voices once again.
> Fixes:
> Images now work on optical and USB media instead of separate builds in
> the past.
> Weather indicator fixed, previously stopped working due to API changes.
> Gnome login sound fixed, Ubuntu set to be disabled by default.
> Fresh and clean sound theme added.
> PC speaker beep removed from blacklist, console users can again use it.
> Console branding. Vinux will identify itself at a virtual terminal and
> upon login offer tips of the day.
> Flite and Pico now available as separate packages.
> Cicero moved to a separate package also, will stop loss of speech from
> the curious.
> Revised keyboard shortcuts.
> Software:
> unity-2d 5.14
> LibreOffice 3.5.7 <DVD only>
> Speech-dispatcher 0.8
> Gnome-orca 3.4.2
> Espeak 1.47
> Firefox 21.0
> Thunderbird 17.0
> Cry for help, remote assistance by Vinux gurus.
> Just to mention a few.
> Known bugs:
> The indicator panel is not accessible from Firefox and Thunderbird.
> Console speech has been completed, but it probably needs some stability
> improvement.
> Availability:
> Vinux 4.0 is now available in the AMD64 and i386 architectures and
> available in both CD and DVD versions.
> DVD:
> This contains everything necessary to install the Vinux operating system
> and a collection of pre-defined packages aimed at visually impaired
> users. This should be all you need if you can burn and use DVD-sized media.
> CD:
> This also contains everything necessary to install the Vinux operating
> system and a collection of pre-defined packages aimed at visually
> impaired users. Use this image if you can only burn and use CD-sized media.
> Vinux 4.0 can be installed from optical media or from a USB memory
> stick. The required files can be downloaded via HTTP as described below.
> Support:
> The Vinux development team currently plans on supporting 4.0 until June
> 2015.
> Our mailing list has a supportive community on Google groups at
> http://groups.google.com/group/vinux-support or you can subscribe by
> sending an email to vinux-support+subscribe at googlegroups.com
> Acknowledgments:
> Rob Whyte,  Vinux project manager.
> Mobeen Iqbal. website manager, Vinux project manager from October 2011
> till May 2013.
> Luke Yelavich. Development team leader.
> Bill Taylor. Testing team leader.
> The Vinux team would also like to thank Christopher Chaltain, Kendell
> Clark, Burt Henry and members of the Vinux support mailing list for
> their ongoing support.
> MD5 Checksums:
> fb79a7174f207ae5ff8a908d58c60363 *vinux-4.0-desktop-amd64.iso
> b4e3ca80f16be3991db19261c663bda9 *vinux-4.0-desktop-i386.iso
> 2a5089976a0991aee516a14ff080b384 *vinux-4.0-dvd-amd64.iso
> 14e38b9701e388a45a5e4849323388be *vinux-4.0-dvd-i386.iso
> Downloading Vinux:
> The Vinux downloads page has links to our provided mirrors, the fastest
> speeds will be atained by chooseing the Sourceforge mirror.
> http://vinuxproject.org/downloads/
> Thank you for supporting Vinux.
> Kind regards
> Rob Whyte
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