[u-a-dev] LightDM-KDE

Jussi Schultink jussi01 at ubuntu.com
Fri Jun 10 12:56:16 UTC 2011

On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 3:02 PM, David Edmundson
<david at davidedmundson.co.uk> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 2:19 AM, Harald Sitter <apachelogger at ubuntu.com> wrote:
>> On Thursday 09 June 2011 20:57:04 David Edmundson wrote:
>>> For the KDE side of things I intend to have a QML powered greeter
>>> engine. This will display any QML file as the greeter, and provide all
>>> the linking to the LightDM daemon and general models and such.
>>> This enables anyone to build a login theme without any compiling, and
>>> makes it completely safe for the end user.
>>> I've outlined my goals/design/reasoning in more detail here:
>>> http://static.davidedmundson.co.uk/lightdm_goals.txt
>> Sounds awesome.
>> I'd like to propose two goals though:
>> a) accessible
>> b) scalibility (should work well with ldap setups with >10 users etc.)
> Completely agreed.
> Part b should mostly be being handled by the LightDM daemon (Robert's
> part) so if it's good enough for Ubuntu it will work for us.
>>> There is also a shiny picture of what my demo greeter looks like here:
>>> http://static.davidedmundson.co.uk/lightdm_2.png. Note the use of
>>> plasma widgets.
>>> It's not finished, but it shows what I'm doing. I imagine kubuntu will
>>> want to Kubuntu-ify it a bit. If anyone has any designs let me know.
>> Mockup by sheytan: http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/7461/basegi.jpg
>> I believe this would be a good default. Something I never liked about the
>> current KDM default is that you cannot click somewhere to select your user,
>> but instead had to know your user name *eeek*.
>> To that extent the user name login box perhaps should be non-editable if you
>> selected a user and only become editable on click. Just a random thought
>> though.
> A users list is next on the agenda. All the stuff is in the library
> and engine to do it. Should be done by Tuesday.
>>> This is in development here:
>>> http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=scratch%2Fdavidedmundson%2Flightdmqmlgreeter.git&
>>> a=summary There is a demo theme here:
>>> http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=scratch%2Fdavidedmundson%2Flightdmdemogreeter.git
>>> &a=summary
>>> It requires the latest master of lightdm to compile (lp:lightdm).
>> Could someone get this in a PPA please or perhaps the neon people could get
>> weekly builds going?
> Not me, I hate packaging. It's waaaaaaaaaay too difficult.
>>> I've made a bit of a start on the KDM settings module, but I don't
>>> know any policyKit so will get stuck with that shortly. I'm working on
>>> kde's git repos as I want this to be an upstream thing, though the
>>> general feedback on my blog was fairly negative so I've not approached
>>> anyone yet.
>> With polkit we can help. I think just about everyone in the programming part
>> of the team had done polkit at one point or another.
> Thanks, I'll push my systemsettings module when it's sort of sensible
> then get someone to help PolKit it, or at least explain to me what I
> need to do.
>> As for the comments: you should beware of how important they are. They neither
>> reflect common opinion nor particularly technical reasoning (especially the
>> ones on your post from a quick glance). The only two valuable concerns I
>> noticed were: supreme PAM support and enterprise readiness. Both things that
>> should entirely be secured before going anywhere with LightDM IMHO.
>>> Moving forwards, I think I should take discussion about KDE and
>>> LightDM off the kubuntu ML and maybe onto the LightDM ML? I'm not sure
>>> if I'm bugging people. I also need some opinions from you and to get
>>> some more people on board.
>> If you feel it makes more sense there... Having stuff here is not particularly
>> distrubing though, especially since we get free status updates that way :P
>> What sort of people do you need?
> I know from the past that one-man projects tend to fail eventually, if
> I get busy or die in a catastrophic accident there needs to be people
> who can continue the work. Mostly I just need people to follow the
> development to tell me if I'm doing something stupid.
> Also accessibility is on our goal list (as of now) I know nothing
> about that. What stuff is important in a login manager?
>  - Choosing large fonts?
>  - Screen readers?
> Does this need to happen at run time, or can it be in the systemsettings module?

I'm CC'ing the Ubuntu accessibility devel list as there are people
there who could likely help us make sure accessibility is done right.

>> regards,
>> Harald
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