[u-a-dev] OpenTTS 0.1 released.

Mgr. Janusz Chmiel chmiel at phil.muni.cz
Mon Jun 7 10:28:37 BST 2010

Dear syr,

    I have tried The latest awailable Gnomespeech library with Espeak with 
Ubuntu Lucid and i have only found out one disadvantage. The speech is 
cuttered and Espeak is not able to pronounce The whole string til The end. 
Do You think, that this is caused by The fact, that i AM using Ubuntu 
modiffication called Vinux 3.0 and that Pulseaudio sound server is being 
running as a system service?

Gnomespeech is now really very fast. I also think, that The responsiveness 
of Espeak is also determined by The fact, if portaudio.h is used to use 
Pulseaudio directly or not.

I will be very glad, if i would test Yours new project Open TTS, but i AM 
sad, that i can not prevent Speech-dispatcher from being executed in The 
startup session. I can not find how to disable speech-dispatcher. I AM 
afraid, that Opentts will be in conflict with speech-dispatcher process. 

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