[u-a-dev] possible setting international keystrokes now default disabled important GNOME key bindings during installation if accessible install mode is selected?

Hammer Attila hammera at pickup.hu
Thu Apr 15 09:15:01 BST 2010

Dear List,

Last Week, Bill Cox, Anthony Sales and me talking following bigger 
longer time purpose:
Now, when not accessibility specialized accessible Ubuntu based 
distributions installation is happening with access=v3 option (screen 
reader mode), lot of GNOME keyboard shortcuts is default disabled. We 
have got some ydea, with we don't no the Ubuntu-accessibility community 
and developers accepts or not accepts:
In longer time, possible very good purpose do international talked 
default define standard keyboard shortcuts with the default disabled 
GNOME keybindings:
The big advantages with this purpose:
1. In future, if a visual impaired user installing any Ubuntu based 
distribution with access=v3 option, this international standardized 
keystrokes setting during installation the target system, so, the 
keyboard shortcuts is equals with all Ubuntu based distributions if 
screen reader mode choosed during installation, independent the used 
language and used keyboard layout if this is possible.
2. If you accept this ydea, because keystrokes is standardized, my 
openion this step is easyest the word vide education with visual 
impaired users, if any teacher would like teach the system usage, 
independent with default or specialized Ubuntu based distributions. 
Because keystrokes is equals, have a starting point with teaching.

The minimal ydea standard keystrokes is following:
1. Now, in gnome-keybinding-properties preference tool, in accessibility 
section have following keybinding shortcut names:
Toggle Screen Reader, Toggle Magnifyer, Toggle On-screen Keyboard. Need 
add following item:
Launch Orca. This item is now missing. This new added keybinding command 
in future need run orca --replace command, and need define for example 
following general keystroke with this new item during installation with 
target system: Ctrl+Alt+o
So, when this is happening, have a standard keystroke to restart Orca 
with any time with all Ubuntu based distributions.
Luke, what GNOME module developers need do this feature request to add 
this now missing keybinding command name?

2. Need define importanter compiz-related disabled keybindings for 
example with Super+any keyboard commands, this is importanter with 
Compiz magnifyer users I think, but I not using Compiz magnifyer, 
because I nothing see the screen.

The bigger ydea, this is optional if the Ubuntu Accessibility community 
I think need define international standard keystrokes with following 
keybinding command names, this command names already part of 
gnome-keybinding-properties preference tool (not need do any feature 
request with GNOME developers), but now not defined any keybinding by 
Following keystrokes is only example keystrokes, based on Vinux actual 
keybindings list with GNOME section:
Toggle fullscreen mode
     Control + Shift + F
Toggle maximization state
     Control + Shift + X
Maximise window vertically
     Control + Shift + A
Maximise window horizontally
     Control + Shift + Z
Launch calculator
     Control + Shift + L
Launch e-mail client
     Control + Shift + E
Launch web browser
     Control + Shift + W
Home folder
     Control + Shift + H
run terminal
     Control + Shift + T (I think now this command in Ubuntu default 
defined with Control+Alt+t)
Note: I think need change the launch terminal and launch web browser 
example keybinding with Ctrl+Alt based keystroke, because ctrl+Shift+t 
is defined opening a new tab with gnome-terminal, and Ctrl+Shift+w 
keyboard combination closes the new tab in gnome-terminal by default.

The technical specification with do this fix is very easy:
This keybinding setting during installation is easy to do. When need 
define this international talked standard keystrokes during 
installation, in casper source package the 
ubiquity-hooks/30accessibility script in blindness profile section, this 
is easy to do when script do accessibility related configurations with 
target system.
For example, I welcome working this fix with next developing cicle, if 
have a general Ubuntu-accessibility community accept keystroke list.

Of course, this is longer time purpose if the Ubuntu-accessibility 
community accept this ydea (solid or bigger ydea), with sure possible do 
with next or next+1 Ubuntu final version.

I hope this feature realizing with any developing cicle, but I absolute 
agree if the community or accessibility developers not want this 
standardization, because not good ydea.
  What your openion? This ydea is good your openion, or not good, 
because disturb the users?


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