[u-a-dev] Few questions

Hammer Attila hammera at pickup.hu
Wed May 14 05:02:43 BST 2008

Dear List!

I have few questions.
1. When I install Hardy with Ubiquity, why not spoken Orca hungarian 
language with prewious, cancel and forward buttons? In the screen,
this  buttons displayed correct translated with hungarian language. Orca 
using  script with ubiquity, and this buttons saying not marked for 
Possible solve this problem with 8.4.1 release? In Gutsy, this problem 
is not present.

2. Orca saying "step 1 of 7", but if the hungarian language is selected, 
   the correct text displayed: "1. lépés, összesen: 7.", but english 
text  spoken.

3. I tryed install Hardy with unpartitioned system, and the new 
partition dialog not spoken the different filesystem selector combo box, 
  only the "filesystem"
word spoken, it is inaccessible. This is a  critical problem if blind 
people tryed install Hardy with unpartitioned  computer. Possible solve 
this problem
with 8.4.1 release?

4. Orca lose speech in Hardy with different time period, different 
applications used. Not matter the new pulseaudio function? In Debian 
Lenny and In Gutsy,
this problem is not present. This problem present  various computers, 
various chipsets. This problem present if I logged  with normal user and 
root, it
is a critical problem with accessibility  use of Hardy. If enough help, 
with my blind colleagues will be testing  this problem, and if it is 
present any
computer, put my bugreport the  hardware configuration data. How can I 
turn off this new feature, and using oldest method with Orca  speech 
for example with Gutsy?
Have confirm anybodi this problem?
It is Ubuntu specific problem?
Possible solve this problem with short time period, for example with 
8.4.1 release?

5. The new polkit feature is very good work Orca with four applications 
  it is implemented this function. If I click unlock button and write my 
speech correct the application. Possible implementing this function with 
all system administration  application? What long time period possible 
doing this
Luke and any developer worked the accessible installation, I would like 
congratulation with accessible installation of Hardy, I  would like 
thank you your good and beautiful work.


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